
A New Beginning...

...has not yet started. It will. Soon.

Ok, let me introduce myself (since this is internet and someone might even read what I write): I'm just a not-so-simple girl living in not-so-big country in Europe. Actually, I'm crazy and I live in one of the smallest countries in the world. I'm still young, but getting older with every day. I still haven't lost my childhood imagination and I want to do something with it. I want to create. I can't do that here. At least, I can't live from that here. And, yes - I think I can live from that. I'm gonna try. I'm moving to the City of Angles next year. I told you I'm crazy ;)

My life philosophy is to love everyone. Sometimes, it's not that easy living in place where mentality of majority is to be cold, sceptic, and distrustful to strangers until they prove them wrong. I'm the other way around. Love is the most common word in my dictionary. Not that cheesy romantic love between two people, but strong, deep bond between all people - family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers.

Dreaming the Dream is one thing. Making it a reality and living it is another. Takes strength, work, will, and luck too. I'm still working on me to get ready for the real work to do. I didn't go completely nuts. I don't play safe, but I play smart. I've got 9 exams left until I get my University diploma. Maybe those years were wasted, but I strongly believe that even though we make our own choices, the Universe is guiding us the right way (sometimes it can be parents, but still... you know what I mean).

There are still things to do. Still many pounds to lose, books to read, and there's never too little practice. The Academy that's waiting for me, is one tough building. I'll go check it out this summer, need to "investigate" the teritory. But THE moment is happening next year. So I still have some months to finish:

  • Faculty (I don't doubt I will, the only concern I have is French, the third foreign language - I'll have to go to Paris for a month or so to learn it well)! 9 exams + practical work!
  • Diet (I've lost 60 pounds so far, but I have to lose 40 more to get in shape)
  • Study the hell out of those two plays I've got for the audition. Not only enrollement, but also some scholarship is coming from it.
So far nothing what I wanted and worked for had failed on me nor let me down. I believe in myself and I think that everyone should do that. Just believe in themselves. It makes things whole lotta easier.

Ok, so that was a quick introduction. I tried blogging before, but I think I suck at it.

I gotta go back to writing some reports, but I'll leave you with some more "about me" TOP 5 (facebook style):


    I love, absolutely love a good psychological thriller. To turn my brain "off" I watch horror movies (I love Stephen King) just as other people watch romantic comedies. Musicals are my inspirations. They just fill me up with this energy and it feels amazing.

  • MUSIC:

    Just two years ago I was thinking that there will never be as good music as it used to be. Then, Adam Lambert came. Now, I keep my mouth shut. World is full of suprises.

  • TV:

    I love NPH, but HIMYM just doesn't go above these shows


    Quality above everything else!

That's all folks (see ya soon ;) )