If this is a dream, I never want to wake up. Ever!
7/21 - Wednesday a.k.a. "The Fly In"
Anxiety starts. Butterflies in my tummy. This is the day. The day a whole new journey begins. I was up at 5am. The flight from Ljubljana was at 8. So many thought were running my mind. Felt like a second to get to Frankfurt and minutes to New York. Even shorter to get to the City of Angels (left). Who would have thought it lasted for 22 hours? Got to the hostel pretty quickly. Went for a drink with the birthday girl I've been corresponding with for over a year. "I'm really here!" So happy, I didn't even mind being stuck in a dorm for the first night, because my room wasn't ready. Fuck, I'm in Los Angeles!!!
7/22 - Thursday a.k.a. "When Cyber becomes Real"
Woke up at 6 in the morning. Not much of a jet leg as much as it was expectation of what will the day bring. And man, did it deliver! As soon as I woke up, I realized one thing - people in LA like to sleep :) I walked literally for more than half an hour to find a place to get my morning coffee. Thanks god for Starbucks (and I'm not even religious)! After getting my dose of freshly brewed caffeine, I headed up for an adventurous West Hollywood exploration. Got back home by noon and got my room. Great, big, comfy, private hostel room! As soon as I unpacked I received a call that some other people I chatted for a while also arrived to LA. I love my Canadian friends! We had lunch at their hotel in Gordon Ramsay's restaurant and the food was heavenly! After the gorgeous meal, we headed up to see their room and rooftop. The view was beautiful! We talked and talked for hours, until it was finally time to get back home and got to sleep. I kinda miss that sleep. But let's not get ahead of events...
Another day in paradise... I woke up early, had my cup of coffee (yey, now I finally know where to get it) and got a phone call that we're invited to a private birthday party of a clothes & jewlery designer for many rockstars at Peace gallery. "What to wear?!?" was the first question that popped in my mind. Shortly after, I headed up to the Grove, where I got an amazing piece of jewlery that even a random, gorgeously dressed guy came up to me saying
"I'm sorry, I don't want to bother you, but this thing you're wearing is absolutely fantastic". That was a go signal for me, to wear that not only for the party later that evening, but also a concert to come. The party was fabulous, but it ended soon, so we decided to do our own little afterparty in Rage, amazing nightclub (ok, seriously, every night club in West Hollywood is more than amazing). A couple of drinks and lots of dancing makes time fly. The down side of LA nightlife is that clubs close at 2am. "Whaaat?!?" Oh, well, time to go back at the hostel and get some sleep. A new day is coming and new adventures with it :)
7/24 - Saturday a.k.a. "The Beach"
A perfect day for a beach. Or so we thought... When we got there, it was cloudy and windy. Too cold for swimming. Some went for a swim anyway and the rest of us sat on the beach and chatted about... well everything. With wind getting stronger and colder, we packed up and headed back to WeHo. But Venice beach is beautiful nevertheless.
7/25 - Sunday a.k.a. "The Game"
When Neil Patrick Harris tweeted about a new thing, that's supposed to be 1/3 of a game, 1/3 of a show and 1/3 of a city tour, I knew I had to buy tickets! So here it's how it works: One day before the event you get a phone call telling you something serious happened and that you gotta get your ass to Kodak theatre the next day. So when the group gatheres in Kodak (up to 10 people) a PR of famous movie starlet Nikki Desmond came and told us the horrible news - Nikki was kidnapped!!!
And all the kidnappers left was this map and locked bag. PR leaves you with that stuff, because she would be late for her mani pedi and you're left with clues to find Nikki and gather ransom to get her back. For the next three hours, clues take you all around Hollywood boulevard - to stores, streets, bars, coffe shops... and lead you to talk to the producers, writers and the directors of the film she was supposed to star in. It was an incredible experience and I don't want to reveal more spoilers, in case someone here decides to play Accomplice (In NY & LA). Worth every cent!
7/26 - Monday a.k.a. "School time"
Mamma!!! Start of an incredible two week intensive course in Acting for camera & Audition technique! Stupid me set the alarm clock wrong. I should have woken up at 6, because the orientation started at 8 - but with wrongly set alarm (mixed am/pm), I woke up at 7:45. After shocking relevation, I started running as fast as I could to get to the Academy (and thanks tech gods for making GPS maps on mobile phones).
When I got there it was around 8:20. Thankfully, it was just an orientation, the real class started at 9. The negative side of it, that because of my running, I got there all sweaty and the first thing they did, was to take my picture for the student card. Will never show!
The course was all I expected and more. It was so much focused on practical work and when they said it was going to be intensive, they weren't kidding around. Intensive means muchos intensive (more about school deserves its own post and will get it in a month time). Teachers - directors/writers/casting directors were the best teachers/people I've worked with EVER!We got so much out of this experience, that it's unbeliveable. More about academy yet to come...
7/27 - Tuesday a.k.a. "Taxi & Sushi"
The next day I had school 9-18 (and as said, school stuff deserves post of its own) and then I got back to hostel and called a cab to take me to London West Hollywood hotel - to meet friends for dinner. Normally, it would take 5 minutes to get there by car, but I ended up in a bit more weird situation. When the cab came, I told the driver the name and the address of the hotel and he started driving in the wrong direction. He looked at me numbly when I told him he's driving in the complete opposite direction as if he didn't understand a word I said. He didn't know effing english language! I tried to communicate with my hands too, but it didn't help. He kept driving like lunatic in the wrong direction for half an hour! When we finally got in the middle of nowhere (the place his GPS was showing) he realized he made a mistake and called someone (have no idea who, 'cause he talked in a language I couldn't understand). Somehow he finally fixed his little navigation machine and drove me to the hotel. I was just glad I got there. I was still a bit shaken after the taxi ride, went up to the room, calmed down and then we went to this sushi place, where I tried my first real sushi (the first first sushi doesn't count because it was just a raw tuna and soy sauce and here it was rolled up like in the movies) and I have to admit it was actually really good. Dinner went fine, got back to the hostel (safely & fastly), went over some stuff for school and tried to fall asleep as soon as I could, because I knew that tomorrow is going to be crazeeeeee (in a best possible way)!!!
Week 2 & 3 coming up in about 10-15 days (going to Bosnia tomorrow and Croatia next week) - including Adam Lambert concert, more amazing school experiences, lots of trips, clubbing & Rent :)
ok, maybe just a little spoiler (I was THAT close):