
Eating for living vs. living for eating

"Inside me, there's a thin woman screaming to get out... but I usually shut the cow up with chocolate"

Food. Funny thing :)

As I said, weight loss is one of the most important tasks on my to-do list. I've been fat since I can remember. But no, it doesn't have anything to do with genes and biological stuff like that. It has to do with my lazy ass and eating a lot.

I specifically remember one morning when I was idk*... about 8 or 9. We were having breakfast and I reached my hand for a second kaiser roll, when my mom told me not to have it. I told her I want to, because I'm still hungry, and her reply was "fine, but don't blame me when you get fat". I said I will never ever blame anyone but me for my own choices. And I'm still sticking to what I said. I made a mistake by reaching for second, and I'm trying to make it right now.

At my worst, I had almost 260 pounds; That was three years ago. Then right before I went to school exchange to the States, I've lost about 40 pounds and gained some of it back when I returned. January 4th I started seriously losing weight with the UN diet and some exercise and in the past 6 months, I've lost 60 pounds. I'm at 180Ibs now (81kg). Since I'm pretty tall (175 cm/5'74 ft), my ideal goal would be somewhere at 140Ibs.

That gives us only 40Ibs to lose. Everyone has its own way of fighting with the weight, and mine is to forget about all the progress I've made so far and pretend I'm just starting for the first time. Starting today, it's going to be a whole new diet. 40 pounds to melt away. I won't stop until I do. And that, my friends is a promise.

We'll do the UN diet my way. So this is my plan until the end of the month (click to get bigger pic):

My plan is to have at least 165Ibs by the beginning of July. That's only 15Ibs to lose in a whole month. That sounds pretty realistic, doesn't it? I really need this, because I got the feeling that I started slacking in the past week and not sticking to the diet.

That's pretty much my whole magic to losing weight. Eat less, exercise more. I can't lie and say it's a piece of cake (notice the irony), 'cause it feels pretty much like torture, especially falling asleep on an empty stomach. But there's a beauty of it. When you wake up knowing that you made it through the night, you feel like a prince/princess. It is really a great, great feeling. And it's worth it. And not to mention in the long run. It's an achievement that leaves you feeling content, satisfied and proud. It makes you realize how strong you actually are and that only the sky is the limit.

I want to try something else. If anyone's reading this, what are your "top 5" food items?

I'm not a big fan of meat, so my favorite 5 is mostly made of carbs:

*idk = I don't know
- 1kg = 2.208 Ibs

1 comment:

  1. Since you're going for a fast weight loss I suppose your diet is right for that.

    but in the longterm I suggest you calculate your daily intake of calories, so you can lose weight healthly w/ out feeling hungry!

    I've never been as much over weight as you, but I have a wrong perspective on food and if I don't control it I eat and eat - and I had 10 kg over my ideal weight.

    So I am changing my view on food w/ my new meal plan:

    B: cereal + low fat milk + proteins
    S1: oatmeal + low fat milk + proteins
    L: meat (turkey, chicken) + a loooot of salad + smal whole grain roll // whole grain pasta with tuna "sauce"
    s2: vegetables + tuna (no oil)
    D: shake: Non-fat cottage cheese+low fat milk+strawberries/apple/half of a banana

    It has all that protein in it because the body needs it to burn fat more effectively ;)

    and I run about 4-5 times a week for 45 min.

    what is true, is that every person has to find a diet or adjust it's eating habits to themselves :) I just tought you might find some of my info helpful :)

    btw: top 5 foods: whole grain pasta w/tuna, salad w/ chicken, shake, low fat cottage cheese, salad, vegetables
    (and yes I have purposley written the same stuff that is in my eating plan, bc I wanna change the way I think about food altogether)
